Export cooperation

We are always interested to develop export opportunities for our products. Shock freeze technology and sealed packaging allow for extensive shelf life. Our products are packed in standardized packaging dimensions:

Package weight

10-12 kg


cardboard boxes, blocks of 10-12 kg, individual (plastic, vacuum) packaging


ISO 9001, FSSC 22000

Type of thermic treatment

fast-freezing at a temperature not higher than -35 ˚C

Expiry date

no more than 180 days at a temperature no higher than -18 ˚C and relative humidity at around 85-95 %

Duck eggs

We are happy to offer for sale duck eggs and day-olds to interested customers.

Guten Duck operates a fully owned duck parent stock farm as well as an inhouse incubator. We are partnering with Grimaud Freres Selection for producing the best quality pekin duck genetics.

Fattenning period

42 days

49 days

56 days

Live weight fasting

3,187 kg

3,650 kg

3,976 kg

Feed conversion ratio




Ready to cook yield

63,8 %

65,3 %

66,8 %

Filet yield

24 %

25,7 %

26,9 %

No liability assumed

42 days

49 days

56 days

Fattenning period

42 days

Live weight fasting

3,187 kg

Feed conversion ratio


Ready to cook yield

63,8 %

Filet yield

24 %

Fattenning period

49 days

Live weight fasting

3,650 kg

Feed conversion ratio


Ready to cook yield

65,3 %

Filet yield

25,7 %

Fattenning period

56 days

Live weight fasting

3,976 kg

Feed conversion ratio


Ready to cook yield

66,8 %

Filet yield

26,9 %

No liability assumed